Meet the Instructor
Cookie Connolly, 500 RYT, 800 KSIYT
As a former classical ballet dancer, Cookie has had a lifelong love affair with the joy of movement.
Spending the last 20 years in the health, wellness and fitness fields, both in the private sector and the corporate world. She has a passion to help people become the best version of themselves using holistic health practices in body, mind and spirit. Cookie is an 800-hour Yoga Therapist and holds certifications as an ACE Health Coach and in Older Adult Fitness. Cookie teaches Therapeutic Yoga, Meditation, Alignment Oriented Yoga, Fitness Yoga, Spiritually Oriented Yoga, Gentle Yoga and Flow Yoga while specializing in
meditation, therapeutic and senior yoga/fitness.
Additionally, Cookie’s love also extends to her family, her dog and chocolate, but not always in that order. Please visit Cookie at